Dental Implant Singapore

Dental Implants

Replace missing teeth with a permanent and safe tooth replacement alternative.

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Dental Implants

Dental Implants Explained

Dental implants are a permanent solution to your missing teeth. They are used to replace teeth that have been severely damaged or removed due to tooth decay, dental trauma, or a genetic condition.

There are many dental clinics in Singapore that offer dental implants as a teeth replacement option. These implants are shaped like small screws and typically made of titanium that are surgically inserted into the jawbone. The dental implants serve the same purpose as a natural tooth root and provide a strong foundation for an artificial tooth to be placed.

While other teeth replacement options like dentures and removable bridges require neighbouring teeth as support, dental implants do not require that. Besides providing a natural looking replacement for your missing teeth and strengthening the jawbone, dental implants are fully customisable to fit your needs and requirements.

Dental Implants Benefits

There are many benefits that dental implants offer that make them a compelling teeth replacement alternative despite costing more than dentures.

Here are some of the key benefits that you will have if you opt for dental implant treatment

Looks and feels like natural teeth

Dental implants are firmly anchored to your jawbone. This makes it a sturdy teeth replacement option in comparison to removable options like dentures or dental bridges that can slip in and out of their position. Having it secured also means that you can carry out daily activities like eating and talking with ease. 

Able to last a lifetime with care

Dental implants can last a lifetime with the right care. Studies have indicated that dental implants last for more than 10 years on average. In fact, titanium metal implants can even outlive their artificial tooth crown (which is usually replaced every 25 years). 

Does not strain surrounding teeth for support 

Dental implants are secured into the jawbone. This means that they do not require support from neighbouring teeth, unlike other teeth replacement options like removable dental bridges and dentures. 

One drawback of having neighbouring teeth support dental bridges or dentures is the possible strain that the neighbouring teeth are forced to take. Overstraining can lead to cracked teeth or teeth that are worn out over time. 

Prevents jawbone loss

Dental implants maintain your facial structure and prevent premature ageing by preventing further bone loss and gum recession. They also stimulate the growth and development of the jaw bone. 

Helps keep problems that are associated with missing teeth away

Dental implants help prevent potential dental problems like cavities, and gum recession that can be caused from overcrowding and gaps when a missing tooth has not been replaced. 

Losing teeth is not just a cosmetic problem. When your tooth is missing for long periods of time, your teeth can shift. Shifting teeth can lead to overcrowding and gaps, which can prevent you from flossing and brushing properly. Bacteria that are lodged in between teeth can lead to tooth cavities and decay. The gaps between your teeth also allows for a space for food to be trapped. When plaque and bacteria accumulate, it can eventually lead to gum recession

Enhances speech and eating abilities

Dental implants feel and function just like your natural teeth. Teeth are a critical part of speech and sound development. Gaps in your teeth can cause lisps or whistling sounds when you speak. Implants can help you skip the initial problems that you might face wearing alternative teeth replacement appliances like dentures. Wearing dentures requires some getting used to. Initial problems can include excessive collection of saliva and the inability to enunciate certain words properly. 

The fixed and secure nature of dental implants allows you to chew and bite food as if you had your original teeth. Dentures, on the other hand, are removable and attached to surrounding teeth. Over time, the jawbone can degenerate and shrink, causing the dentures to become ill-fitting. When this happens, you will not be able to chew and bite food well. You would also have to change your denture set several times over the span of a few years.

Types of Dental Implants

There are many different types of dental implants that are used depending on your needs and requirements. The following are examples of dental implants that your dentist might recommend you: 

Single-tooth Dental Implants

Single-tooth dental implants are suitable for you if you are missing or have damaged a single tooth. This dental implant is usually used in dental trauma cases when a tooth has been knocked out by a fall or a sports accident. It is also usually used when the tooth is irreparably damaged by dental decay. 

Multi-teeth Dental Implants

Multi-teeth dental implants are suitable for you if you require several teeth to be replaced at one-go. These implants do not use neighbouring teeth as support structures and are preferred over teeth replacement methods like dental bridges. 

All-on-4 Dental Implants (Teeth-in-a-day Dental Implants)

All-on-4 dental implants, otherwise known as teeth-in-a-day, pro-arch or full mouth dental implants, are suitable for you if you require multiple teeth replaced or have a whole row of missing teeth. 

These implants are popular as the procedure can be completed within a day with 4 to 6 dental implant screws placed within the jaw bone. A bridge prosthesis is then placed over these fixtures. 

Metal-free Dental Implants 

Metal-free dental implants, as its name suggests, do not have any metal and are usually made of ceramic or zirconia. These implants prevent further bone loss and gum recession by stimulating growth and development of the jawbone. As soon as the implant is placed, it functions like a natural tooth root, which allows the jawbone to grow well. 

Zygomatic Dental Implants 

Zygomatic dental implants are particularly suitable for patients who have suffered from severe bone loss. Unlike traditional dental implants that drill directly into the jawbone, zygomatic implants are implants that are drilled into the upper jaw bone. 

Tubero Pterygoid Dental Implants

Tubero pterygoid dental implants are suitable for you if you do not have enough bone mass in your upper jaw for a traditional dental implant. These implants are placed on the upper second molar area at an angle as the bone present at that location is stronger and denser.

Dental Implants At Kong Dental Surgery

When you seek dental implants at Kong Dental Surgery, our dentists take your patient journey seriously. This treatment journey is an accurate representation of the patient journey that you will take if you decide to take up dental implants treatment with us. 

Dental Implant Stage 1 – Evaluation and Preparation

The first stage of the dental implant journey helps determine the number of procedures and duration needed to help you get your final dental implant placement. 

Step 1: Examination and Consultation

Detailed Examination and Consultation

When you visit Kong Dental Surgery to address concerns about your current dental condition, you might or might not have dental implants in mind. The examination and consultation will discuss your concerns, and assess your suitability for dental implants. 

Full Dental Assessment

The assessment will thoroughly assess your current general health condition, and the condition of your teeth and gums. For your dental implant procedure to be successful, it is important that your health, teeth and gums are in optimal condition as well. 

This assessment will include taking necessary X-rays or scans to determine a suitable treatment option for you. The scans will be able to help our dentists ascertain the volume of bone present in your face and jaw. 

Tailored Treatment Planning

Our dentists will then explain your current condition and the treatment options that you have. The benefits and risks of each will also be explained to you. A treatment plan is then tailored to your needs and concerns. 

Supplementary Procedures

Step 2: Tooth Extraction (if necessary)

Depending on whether you require removal of a problematic tooth that is severely decayed or a tooth that has been damaged to the point where it cannot be saved, your problem tooth will be extracted before the dental implant treatment is resumed. Once your tooth has been removed, the implant process can resume. 

Step 3: Bone Graft or Sinus Lift (if necessary) 

If you do not have sufficient healthy jaw bone, you will be required to proceed with gum, bone grafts or a sinus lift. A successful dental implant procedure is only possible with sufficient jaw bone, which creates a sturdy foundation for support. 

Once these supplementary procedures have been completed, it would typically take up to 6 months for you to recover completely. 

Dental Implant Stage 2 – Artificial Root Placement

The second stage of the dental implant procedure places the artificial root in the bone. Healing is allowed to take place before the next stage. 

Step 4: Insertion of Dental Implant Fixture 

Administration of Local Anaesthetic

The relevant implant site is completely numbed with a local anaesthetic before the implant procedure. This is to ensure that you do not feel any pain during the whole treatment. Although there is no pain, you might feel slight pressure or vibrations from the tools used. 

Stronger Sedation (Optional)

If you have dental anxiety or other concerns that were expressed during your treatment planning process, you might be sedated with General Anaesthesia (GA) before the surgery in addition to the local anaesthetic administered. 

Implant Fixture Placement

An implant fixture is then placed into your jawbone. 

Step 5: Osseointegration 

Integration of Fixture

The jawbone will grow around the newly introduced implant fixture. It will take a few days for your body to accept the implant. It will take 3 to 6 months for the implant fixture to permanently integrate the fixture with the jaw and gums. This process is also known as osseointegration. 

A temporary prosthesis will be issued to you while the permanent prosthesis is being made. 

To help you cope with the discomfort, pain and minor swelling, you will be provided with pain-relieving medication. A second appointment will be arranged with you to assess the healing process.

Dental Implant Stage 3 – Final Placement of the Crown 

The final stage in the dental implant journey is when your crown is being placed onto your artificial root and set into your jaw. 

Step 6: Prosthesis Placement 

The final implant prosthesis (crown) is placed once the implant fixture integration is successful. The crown will be customised to fit the shape of your mouth and teeth. Your crown should look and feel like one of your natural teeth. 

Step 7: Post-Procedure Care and Regular Dental Check Ups

You will be required to maintain your dental hygiene and conduct regular check-ups every 6 months. The regular check ups are to ensure that your dental implants have integrated well and are able to function well.

Dental Implants Treatment Duration

The entire dental implants treatment process takes about 5 to 8 months on average. The treatment process usually happens in 3 stages. 

This does not mean that you will be living without your teeth for that entire duration of time. You will be able to receive a temporary crown while waiting for your healing process and your permanent crown to be completed. 

While dental implants might not be the fastest way to get your functioning teeth back, you can be sure that they are more reliable and permanent than dentures or dental bridges.

Dental Implants Cost in Singapore

The cost of dental implants at Kong Dental Surgery starts from $2,800 per tooth. This includes the dental implant surgery, but does not include bone grafting, sinus lifts, CT scans or other surgical procedures and follow-up consultations that might be needed. 

Factors That Affect The Cost of Dental Implants in Singapore

There are some factors that might impact the cost of getting dental implants. Here are some of the most common ones: 

  • The complexity of the dental implant procedure 
  • The type of tooth that needs to be replaced
  • The number of dental implants needed 
  • The brand of dental implants used 
  • Type of materials used for the restorative crown
  • Your overall physical and oral health 
  • The number of procedures required before you are suitable for dental implant surgery 
  • Whether the dental professional is a general dentist or specialist 
  • The experience of the dentist or specialist

Financing Dental Implants

Financing dental implants at Kong Dental Surgery is transparent and straightforward. We offer the following options for you should you wish to take up dental implants at Kong Dental Surgery: 


It is possible to offset your dental implant cost with Medisave if you are a Singaporean or a Singaporean Permanent Resident (PR). It is possible to claim up to $1,250 per tooth for dental implants from your Medisave account. 

The amount that is claimable has been set by the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Singapore. The final amount that you will have to fork out depends on the complexity of the dental implant case as well as the withdrawal limits that are set by MOH. The final amount deductible from the Medisave Account is also dependent on the final approval by MOH. You can refer to the Table of Surgical Procedures for further information or contact Kong Dental Surgery to find out more about Medisave claims. 


If you are under an insurance provider that allows for dental claims, you may be able to consult with your agent for more information on dental implant claims. Depending on your insurance provider and the circumstances around which you have lost your teeth, you may or may not qualify for claims with your insurance provider. 

If you would like us to assist you with finding out whether your insurance provider offers claims for dental implants, as well as the maximum amount of claims allowed, do contact us at one of our clinics that is nearest to you.

Dental Implants Treatment FAQs

The simple answer to this is to pay a quick visit to your nearest dental clinic and consult with your preferred dentist! It is advisable to proceed with dental implant treatment only after having a detailed discussion about the pros and cons with your dentist. 

Most patients are suitable candidates for dental implant treatment if they have reasonably good health. Some patients that do not qualify for dental implant treatment are patients who have uncontrolled diabetes as well as high blood pressure. If you suffer from either one of these conditions, it is possible to qualify for dental implant treatment if you have brought your condition under control.

You might need dental implants if you have any of the following conditions: 

  • Missing or unstable teeth that affects your ability to chew and break food down into smaller particles to swallow, 
  • Unable to pronounce words properly because of your missing teeth, 
  • Have lowered self-esteem and confidence because of your missing teeth, 
  • Have severely chipped, broken or worn-down teeth, 
  • Would like to change from dentures to another stable teeth replacement

Dental implant surgery does not and should not hurt as the mouth will be numbed during the surgical procedure. 

When the numbness wears off, you will feel soreness. There might be some pain from the implant site. Your dentist will provide pain medication to help you manage any discomfort that you might feel after the surgery. This discomfort usually lasts for 3 to 5 days and should subside with pain medication. 

If you experience unbearable pain that persists, you should contact your dentist immediately.

Dental implants have a high success rate of 90 to 95%. There are a few factors that increase the success rate of your dental implant treatment: 

  • Healthy gums and strong bone 
  • Quality of bone 
  • The experience of the dentist or specialist

Dental implant surgery with an experienced dentist or specialist has a high chance of success. However, in rare circumstances, dental implants can cause the following side effects: 

  • Infection and inflammation of the gums
  • Nerve damage 
  • Gum, bone and blood vessels injury 
  • Sinus problems that can cause migraines 
  • Implant fracture

If you are considering dental implants but would also like to know what other options are available for you, here are some teeth replacement alternatives: 

  • Dental bridges 
  • Dentures 
  • Implant-supported bridge. 

When choosing between dental implant and dentures, you should consider the following questions before making a decision: 

  • Are you ready to make an investment in dental implants? Dental implants typically cost more than dentures initially. 
  • Are you prepared to make an effort to maintain your dentures? Dentures require greater daily maintenance than dental implants and have to be cleaned daily. 
  • Are you willing to undergo surgery to have better and more permanent teeth? Dental implants treatment is a surgical procedure. If you are more hesitant of undergoing surgery to treat your teeth, dentures might be a better choice. 

If you are considering between dental implants and dentures, it is always a good idea to consult with a dentist who can help assess your current dental condition before making the final decision. 

If you are choosing between dental implants and dental bridges, here are a few things you have to take into consideration: 

  • Dental bridges are generally cheaper than dental implants but might require more maintenance in the long-run. 
  • Dental bridges have a shorter treatment duration than dental implants, but might require more treatment in the future to resolve problems caused by dental bridges (e.g. cavities, tooth decay). 
  • Dental bridges rely on neighbouring teeth for support. They are not built to last a lifetime. 

If you would like to find out more about the pros and cons of dental implants and dental bridges, contact us or head to the clinic nearest you for more information.

Immediate dental implants are faster than traditional dental implants, but they might not be a suitable option for all. 

It is best to check in with your dentist before proceeding with treatment. Only your dentist will be able to provide you with advice on the right treatment for your needs.

Yes you do need to return for regular dental check ups after you have gotten dental implants. The check ups are to ensure that your dental implants have successfully integrated with your bone and are healthy, as well as to maintain the overall health of your teeth and gums. Maintaining the health of your teeth and gums are a sure way of ensuring the longevity of your dental implants. 

The good news is that it is possible to change from dentures to dental implants if that is what you are looking for. However, there are some factors that will need to be considered before you make that switch to dental implants: 

  • The cost of dental implants 
  • Whether there is sufficient bone to hold the implant 
  • Your overall systemic and dental health

You can easily maintain your dental implant by following some simple guidelines: 

  • Visit your dentist regularly and as recommended
  • Brush and floss your teeth regularly 
  • Use a mouth rinse after brushing and flossing your teeth 
  • Abstain from smoking 
  • Avoid consumption of sticky or hard foods.

Dental implant treatment at Kong Dental Surgery means getting safer and discomfort-free treatment with our team of experienced clinicians. We utilise tools like dental implant guides to ensure that we are able to deliver precise results for your dental implant treatment. We also offer stronger sedation methods if you require additional numbing support during your surgery. 

Why Choose Kong Dental

  • 1

    Experienced & Qualified Dental Team

    We believe that a visit to the dentist should be stress-free and anxiety-free. Book your appointment with our friendly clinic staff for your dental needs!

  • 2

    Honesty & Affordability

    We know that the cost of dental care can be confusing. We are a Medisave and CHAS accredited clinic, and you will be given up-front costs of your procedure when you visit our clinic. No hidden costs involved.

  • 3

    Comprehensive Dental Care

    At Kong Dental, we strive to provide holistic and comprehensive dental care to you in our fully equipped clinics. We have same day appointments available, book your appointment with our friendly clinic staff now!

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Kong Dental Surgery

Kong Dental Surgery has been providing full-range and affordable dental care services since its establishment in 2010. Our team of dental specialists and dentists across our 5 dental clinics in Singapore provides a full range of dental care services from wisdom teeth extraction to orthodontics.

Visit us at our clinics in one of our locations:
Yew Tee Point, Choa Chu Kang (Limbang), Jurong East, Teck Whye Lane, and Sunshine Place.

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