The Ultimate Guide to Invisalign Treatment in Singapore (2024)

If you have been considering teeth straightening treatment with Invisalign or are seeking a discreet, convenient and effective way to sort out your crooked teeth, you are in the right place. As a dentist who has treated everything from simple to complex teeth straightening cases, I would like to walk you through everything about the Invisalign treatment. 

  • What Invisalign is 
  • How Invisalign can help you correct your crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Address your concerns about Invisalign 
  • Help you make an informed decision about Invisalign

This comprehensive guide is meant to cover everything that you would like to know about Invisalign. However, if you find yourself still curious about whether Invisalign is suitable for you, we urge you to contact us to find out more


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign Clear Aligners - Kong Dental Surgery

Invisalign are clear aligners that can help shift your teeth into the desired position. 

Unlike traditional braces with noticeable metal wires, Invisalign employs a series of clear, comfortable aligners that gently guide your teeth into proper alignment. These aligners are custom-made for your teeth, making them virtually invisible when worn.


How Does Invisalign Work?

The magic of Invisalign lies in its technology and tailored approach. Through a series of gradually changing aligners, your teeth are gently moved into their desired positions. No two aligners are the same. Each aligner is set to incremental movements that equal 0.25mm tooth movements. 

When you visit your dentist or orthodontist, you can expect a dental impression to be taken. The impression can be taken via a digital CAD scan or a physical rubber impression. The scanned images or rubber impressions and bite registrations will then be sent directly to orthodontic technicians. 

Once the digital models are created, the proprietary Invisalign algorithm is applied to the model and a clinical simulation is created and sent to your dentist or orthodontist. This simulation is known as ClinCheck – allows your clinician to explain the duration of treatment and how the final result will look like. 

You will wear each set of aligners for about 1-2 weeks, progressing through the series until your teeth are beautifully aligned.


What Are The Different Types Of Conditions That Invisalign Can Treat?

It is possible to treat a large range of conditions with Invisalign. Some of these conditions include: 


An excessive overbite occurs when your upper front teeth significantly overlap your lower front teeth, potentially leading to lower gum discomfort due to contact with the upper teeth. 

This oral condition, often referred to as deep bite, can result in gum irritation and dental complications if left untreated. 

If you’re experiencing an excessive overbite, consulting a qualified Invisalign provider like Kong Dental Surgery can help address and correct this issue using personalized aligner treatment.

Open Bite

An open bite is characterized by a gap between the upper and lower teeth that persists even when your mouth is completely shut. 

This dental condition not only impacts the visual appeal of your smile but can also lead to speech difficulties. 

Seeking professional guidance from Invisalign experts, such as the professionals at Kong Dental Surgery, can help you address and rectify open bite concerns, enhancing both your oral health and your overall well-being.


Spacing, in dental terms, refers to the noticeable gaps between two or more teeth. 

These gaps, if left unaddressed, not only impact the aesthetics of your smile but also create an environment where food particles can get trapped during meals, potentially leading to tooth decay and gum-related issues. 

Seeking professional guidance from an Invisalign expert, such as those at Kong Dental Surgery, can help you effectively close these gaps using customized aligner treatment.


Crossbite is an orthodontic issue wherein certain upper teeth rest behind the lower teeth when the mouth is in a closed position. 

This condition, if left untreated, can lead to dental problems and discomfort. 

Seeking assistance from experienced Invisalign professionals, like those at Kong Dental Surgery, can provide effective solutions to correct crossbite concerns, improving both the alignment of your teeth and your overall oral health.

Crowded Teeth 

Crowded teeth arise when there’s insufficient space within the jaw for teeth to align properly. This can lead to teeth bunching, overlapping, and twisting, causing them to shift towards the front or back. 

Such dental misalignment not only affects your smile’s appearance but can also impact your oral health. 

If you’re dealing with crowded teeth, exploring solutions like Invisalign under the guidance of professionals like those at Kong Dental Surgery can effectively address and rectify this issue for a healthier and more confident smile.


An underbite refers to a dental condition in which the lower teeth and jaw extend beyond the upper teeth. In some instances, this misalignment can lead to challenges with biting, chewing, and even speaking. 

For individuals experiencing an underbite, seeking professional evaluation and treatment options, such as Invisalign, is essential. 

Expert dental care, like the services provided by Kong Dental Surgery, can help address underbite concerns, enhancing both your oral functionality and your smile’s aesthetics.



Read more: Periodontal (Gum) Disease – What is it and How do we treat it?


Advantages and Benefits of Choosing Invisalign

Choosing Invisalign offers a host of advantages. Patients tell me that with Invisalign, it is possible for them to: 

  • Enjoy their favourite foods without restrictions
  • Straighten their teeth comfortably with little to no irritation
  • Correct their bite and alignment without feeling self-conscious
  • Remove their aligners when required 
  • Brush and floss their teeth without any hassle

When patients approach me to seek for dental alignment services, I usually tell them that Invisalign can benefit them through the following ways: 

  • Comfortable 
  • Invisible and aesthetically pleasing
  • Helps with good oral hygiene
  • Removable 
  • Convenient 
  • Reduces the number of clinic visits required 
  • Highly accurate treatment timelines


Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces

When deciding between Invisalign and traditional braces, it is important to consider: 

  • Your lifestyle
  • Your comfort
  • Your treatment goals, and 
  • Your budget

 Here’s a quick comparison:

Invisalign Traditional Braces
Nearly invisible Noticeable metal brackets and wires
Removable aligners Fixed brackets
No dietary restrictions Certain foods should be avoided
Easy oral hygiene Requires special cleaning techniques


Is Invisalign Right for You?

While Invisalign is effective for many cases, severe misalignments might require alternative treatments such as traditional braces. 

Consulting a dental professional is the best way to determine if Invisalign is the right choice for you.


What to Expect During Invisalign Treatment?

Starting your Invisalign journey begins with a consultation at a qualified provider like Kong Dental Surgery. 

A typical Invisalign treatment journey would look like this: 

Initial Consultation

After you and your dentist have agreed on moving forward with Invisalign treatment, the journey commences with the following steps:

  • Capturing X-rays of your teeth and jaws
  • Photographing your facial profile and smile
  • Making an impression mould or digital scan of your teeth

The collected data will be sent to the Invisalign technical experts for analysis. They will then craft a personalized Clincheck treatment plan based on your unique needs and preferences.

Clincheck Approval 

Once your dentist has evaluated and made any necessary adjustments to the initial Clincheck treatment plan, the next step involves scheduling a follow-up consultation to review the proposed plan.

We strongly advise patients to engage in thorough discussions with their dentist about their Clincheck treatment plans prior to granting approval. This is the ideal stage to address any queries or uncertainties and to make modifications to the treatment plan if needed.

During this appointment, patients have the opportunity to express any concerns or questions they might have. This ensures that the aligners are crafted to address individual needs and preferences effectively.

Aligner Fabrication

After the confirmation of the Clincheck treatment plan by the patient, the Invisalign aligners will be manufactured and and fabricated by a production facility. 

The fabricated aligners will then by shipped to Kong Dental Surgery dental clinics in Singapore. This entire process takes about 2 weeks. 

Aligner Fitting and Attachments

During your upcoming appointment, your dentist will carefully place tooth-colored dental attachments as outlined in your treatment plan. These small, inconspicuous studs are affixed to your teeth to help guide the direction of corrective forces.

A set of aligners will be provided, along with comprehensive instructions on their proper usage, maintenance, and removal. You will usually receive 2-3 sets of Invisalign aligners to wear until your next review, which usually occurs around 6 weeks later. Throughout this period, you’ll progress through each pair of aligners as directed by your dentist.

Each pair of aligners will be worn for around 2 weeks before advancing to the subsequent pair. 

Starting the Invisalign Journey

To ensure effective results, it’s crucial to wear your aligners for at least 22 hours each day. 

Only take them out when it’s time to brush, floss, or enjoy a meal. Over time, your teeth will gradually shift, with your dentist closely tracking your progress during regular check-ins.

Aligner changes typically occur every 7 to 10 days, and you’ll attend in-person appointments with your dentist every 6 to 8 weeks.

These face-to-face reviews play a pivotal role in assessing your advancement and addressing any potential oral health matters that might arise.

The duration of the entire Invisalign journey varies, spanning from approximately a year to up to 2 years for more intricate cases. The commitment to diligently wearing your aligners and attending scheduled appointments significantly contributes to achieving your desired outcome.

Finishing Invisalign Treatment

As your Invisalign journey concludes, the journey for a better smile does not just stop there. 

Post-treatment, wearing retainers becomes crucial. These retainers serve as safeguards, preventing any potential shifting and ensuring the roots of your teeth fuse securely to your jawbone, establishing a lasting alignment.

For optimal outcomes, it is advised that patients wear their retainers daily for the first year following Invisalign completion. This proactive approach expedites the fusion process, providing you with enduring results and the confidence to showcase your rejuvenated smile.


Potential Side Effects and Risks

While side effects with Invisalign are minimal, some patients may experience mild discomfort or temporary speech changes. 

The following are some of the most common side effects of wearing aligners:

  • Interference with speech 
  • Cheek biting and cut tongue 
  • Headache
  • Jaw pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Bleeding or receding gums
  • Allergic reactions
  • Dizziness or nausea
  • Weight loss 

Should you experience any of the above, your dentist will guide you on how to manage these minor concerns. At Kong Dental Surgery, we ensure that our patients who undergo Invisalign treatment are fully supported during their journey. 


Finding the Right Invisalign Provider in Singapore

Choosing the right Invisalign provider ensures a smoother journey for you or your child. At Kong Dental Surgery, we priortise the safety and well being of your dental care. 

Kong Dental Surgery is an authorized Invisalign provider in the heartland districts of Singapore. Besides having the expertise and experience to guide you through your treatment, we are:  

  • Able to treat any gum conditions before treatment
  • Able to shift severe misalignment with braces or jaw surgery before treatment


How Much Does Invisalign Cost In Singapore? 

The cost of Invisalign varies from dental clinic to dental clinic. It is also highly dependent on how complex your Invisalign case is. However, most Invisalign cases range from $4,500 – $12,000. This is a huge range and can be broken down into the following: 

Type of Invisalign Plans Cost of Invisalign
Comprehensive From $6,800 – $9,000
Moderate From $3,500 – $5,500
Lite From $2,500 – $3,200 

Factors That Determine Cost of Invisalign

  • The expertise and experience of the dental professional or specialist
  • The complexity of the case
  • Whether additional treatment is needed before Invisalign 
  • Your current oral health and hygiene 


Financing Your Invisalign Treatment

At Kong Dental Surgery, we are proud to offer multiple payment plans that can help with covering your Invisalign treatments. 

Breakdown of Invisalign Treatment Cost

Initial Consultation $30
Treatment Planning $300
First Set of Aligners $2,000 – $3,000
Monthly Instalments $200 – $700 per month (dependent on the number of instalments and the treatment complexity)


Are You Ready To Start Your Invisalign Journey?

Invisalign offers an exciting path to a straighter, more confident smile. With its numerous benefits and convenient features, Invisalign is a clear solution for both young adults and adults looking to straighten their teeth. 

If you’re ready to transform your smile discreetly and effectively, reach out to Kong Dental Surgery and embark on your journey to a beautiful, aligned smile.

Your smile is a unique expression of you. Let Invisalign enhance that expression and help you radiate confidence. 


Invisalign Treatment FAQs

Can I still enjoy my favorite drinks with Invisalign on? 

Yes, you should remove your aligners when drinking anything other than water. Hot liquids might warp the aligners, and sugary drinks could lead to cavities.

Can I play musical instruments or engage in sports while wearing Invisalign? 

Absolutely! Invisalign will not interfere with your musical talents or athletic activities. Just remember to wear a protective mouthguard if needed.

What happens if I accidentally lose or damage an aligner? 

If you accidentally lose or damage an aligner, you should contact your Invisalign dentist immediately. Depending on your progress, your dentist will advise you on whether to move to the next set of aligners or return to the previous set.

Will I need to wear retainers after Invisalign treatment? 

Yes, wearing retainers helps maintain your newly aligned smile. Your dentist will guide you on the frequency of wearing them.

Can I smoke or chew gum with Invisalign on? 

Smoking can stain the aligners, and gum might get stuck. It’s best to remove the aligners in these situations.

What if I have a special event during my treatment? 

You can remove the aligners for a short period, but try to wear them as much as possible to ensure effective treatment.

Are there age restrictions for Invisalign treatment? 

Invisalign is suitable for both teenagers and adults. Age is not a barrier to achieving a beautiful smile.

Can I travel while undergoing Invisalign treatment? 

Absolutely! Invisalign’s portability allows you to continue treatment wherever you are. Just remember to keep your aligners and oral hygiene routine intact.

Will Invisalign affect my daily speaking habits? 

You might notice minor speech changes when you first wear your Invisalign aligners, but you will adapt quickly as you get used to wearing the aligners.

Can I whiten my teeth during or after Invisalign treatment? 

It is often a good idea to whiten your teeth after treatment, as your aligners can protect your teeth from staining during the process.


Kong Dental Surgery – An Invisalign Provider Near You

If you are living near Jurong, Teck Whye, Sunshine Place (Choa Chu Kang), Limbang, or Yew Tee and are looking for teeth straightening treatment, Kong Dental Surgery might be suitable for your orthodontic needs. 

Book an appointment with us to see whether you are suitable for Invisalign. 

Make An Enquiry

Let us know your concerns and our clinic staff will get back to you in 1-2 hours.

Prefer to talk to our clinic staff directly? Call our clinic to chat with our friendly nurses at +65 6767 9502




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